Produse pentru cardiospermă d 6 (17)

Capsule de Aronia Bio

Capsule de Aronia Bio

Lohnherstellung von Bio Aronia Kapseln (vegane HPMC Kapseln)
PLANTUS CLN - Supliment Alimentar (Capsulă)

PLANTUS CLN - Supliment Alimentar (Capsulă)

PLANTUS CLN contains Avena sativa Glycyrrhiza glabra Linum usitatissimum Terminalia sp. Terminalia sp. Emblica officinalis PLANTUS CLN contains both soluble and insoluble fiber for cleaning the colon with the plant extracts included. Insoluble fiber is especially good for improvement of elimination and prevention of constipation. Soluble fiber increases helpful bacterias produces naturel antibiotics that remove potentially harmful bacterias such as salmonella, campylobacter and escherichia coli. Soluble fiber also helps connection and transfer of cholestrol through the body. Thus the plant extracts in PLANTUS CLN help recovery of the intestinal flora. PLANTUS CLN is available as 60 capsules in a glass bottle.
Capsule Coenin Q10 PLUS - Capsule și tablete

Capsule Coenin Q10 PLUS - Capsule și tablete

Coenzyme Q10 is an important component of our daily diet. Extra Q10 intake is particularly recommended for older age groups and/or if your diet is unbalanced. In addition are contained the antioxidants selenium and vitamin E to protect the body against oxidative stress. Selenium also contributes to the normal function of the immune system. This combination is completed with eight valuable B-vitamins. Niacin, pantothenic acid and thiamine (vitamin B1) contribute to a normal energy metabolism. Thiamine also supports a healthy, normal heart function. Each capsule contains 50 mg natural coenzyme Q10 plus 27 I.E. vitamin E, 55 µg selenium, 45 mg magnesium, 24 mg niacin, 9 mg panthothenic acid, 2.1 mg vitamin B6, 2.1 mg vitamin B2, 1.65 mg vitamin B1, 300 µg folic acid, 75 µg biotin and 3.75 µg vitamin B12. Art. No.:1809
Meratrum PREGNA 3 - 30 Tablete cu 3 Straturi

Meratrum PREGNA 3 - 30 Tablete cu 3 Straturi

Utilizing an advanced 3-layer tablet technology, Meratrum PREGNA 3 delivers a blend of nutrients with a precise timed-release mechanism which ensures that essential vitamins and minerals are available to support both maternal and fetal health throughout the day. Designed to release its contents at different intervals, to prevent ingredient interactions and ensure maximum nutrient availability. Delivers immediate boost of essential vitamins and minerals through the Fast layer which includes Folate, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B6. Supports blood health and immune function through the Steady release of Iron and Vitamin C. And ensures sustained release of nutrients crucial for fetal development utilizing a Retard layer of Iodine, Vitamin D, Zinc, Lutein and Calcium
QLife Gluco-Crom 99 - Supliment alimentar

QLife Gluco-Crom 99 - Supliment alimentar

Chromium is involved in the metabolism of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) that fulfill their role in the renewal of cells in the human body. Contributes to the maintenance of normal blood sugar Reference:21630
Vitamine B + Magneziu - Vitamine B + Magneziu, PALIANYTSIA, 550 mg, 30 capsule

Vitamine B + Magneziu - Vitamine B + Magneziu, PALIANYTSIA, 550 mg, 30 capsule

A complex of B vitamins with magnesium is a dietary supplement for nourishing the body with useful vitamin and mineral components, in particular, ensuring brain function, supporting the cardiovascular system, and the gastrointestinal tract. The complex is useful for the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, the conduction of nerve impulses and increasing the body's resistance to various stresses and infections, seasonal diseases.
Curcumin C3 Complex Premium - Standardul de aur pentru curcumină

Curcumin C3 Complex Premium - Standardul de aur pentru curcumină

Complex of 3 standardized types of curcuminoids with improved formulation of vitamin D3, B6, B12 and mineral selenium. 1 capsule contains 427 mg of curcuminoids, which is equivalent up to 8.500 mg of native curcuminoids with 20 times increased bioavailability. Improved formula of high-quality food supplement Curcumin C3 Complex Premium enriched with vitamins D3, B6, B12 and the mineral selenium, which contribute to the normal function of the immune system. Curcumin C3 Complex® is a patented and clinically tested “bioprotectant” composed of 3 main compounds: Curcumin, Demethoxycurcumin (DMC) and Bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC) – commonly known as curcuminoids.
Anghinare - Anghinare spaniole

Anghinare - Anghinare spaniole

Corazones, Cuartos, Laminas, Fondos, Marinadas, Roma "Style"
Urocasil - Drenajul Rinichilor

Urocasil - Drenajul Rinichilor

Urocasil vous protège des calculs, lithiases et crise de goutte en drainant vos reins. Les actifs d'Urocasil gélules : orthosiphon-solidago vigaurea, font en sorte d'évacuer en drainant, dès qu'elles se forment, les poussières (lithiases), pour éviter qu'elles ne s'accumulent dans le rein. Cet ensemble commence une action régénératrice normale, dès que les reins sont propres. Il s'agit des meilleures plantes pour tonifier le système rénal. Composition 100 % naturelleOrthosiphon, Solidago vigaurea.
Vitamina D3 25000 UI - 15 Capsule

Vitamina D3 25000 UI - 15 Capsule

It supports preventing disorders of the bones and skeletal system. Also available in different international units (IU): 1000, 10000, 50000, 100000.
Complex Q10 90 Capsule

Complex Q10 90 Capsule

More power for heart, brain, eyes and muscles. The antioxidant nutrition is available to all cells and is especial important for energy supply. As the age increases, the Q10 presence in the body begins to reduce, which leads to a number of age-specific complaints and illnesses. Q10 is the real safety formula against heart circulatory disorders. It improves the heart's performance, increases oxygen intake, protects from free radicals and enhances efficiency. Folic acid and B-vitamins reduce the homocystein level and improve energy levels. Supports/Is good for Blood pressure Blood vessels Heart Energy flow Endurance Regeneration mental fitness Skin and gums Eye protection Vision Area of use Cardiovascular system, vascular system, performance and energy, eyes. Recommended dose Take 1 to 2 capsules every day with fluids.
CENTOBOR - Supliment Alimentar

CENTOBOR - Supliment Alimentar

KENDİNİZ VE SEVDİKLERİNİZ İÇİN • Antiviral, Antibakteriyel, • Antifungal ve yüksek antioksidant etkisiyle, • Vücut direncini artırmaya, • Yaşlanmayı geciktirmeye, • Hormonları dengelemeye yardımcı olduğu gibi içerisinde bulunan çinko, magnezyum ve kalsiyum mineralleri ile mineral eksikliğini gidermeye YARDIMCI OLUR.
Tabletă Dadaminsel - Tabletă vitamină-minerală

Tabletă Dadaminsel - Tabletă vitamină-minerală

Büyükbaş ve küçükbaş hayvanlar için vitamin mineral içerikli tablet. Ürün hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak için lütfen bizimle iletişime geçiniz.
Nutri-Tops Vitamina D3 Vegană & K2 Comestibil - Supliment Dietetic (disponibil doar la vrac de la 20 kg)

Nutri-Tops Vitamina D3 Vegană & K2 Comestibil - Supliment Dietetic (disponibil doar la vrac de la 20 kg)

Vitamin D3 (vegan, Flechte, 4.000 UI/Dosis) & Vitamin K2 (150mcg/Dosis) verkapselt in O/W Nanoemulsion. Literatur: Erhöhung der Bioverfügbarkeit durch Verkapselung in Nanoemulsion. Wässrige Lösung SopharTops Vitamin D3 vegan & Vitamin K2 essbar - Wirkstoffe: Verkapseltes Vitamin D3, vegan aus der Flechte, 4.000 UI (internationale Einheiten) pro Tagesdosis und verkapseltes Vitamin K2 150 Microgramm pro Tagesdosis - Laut Literatur erhöht die Verkapselung öl-löslicher Wirkstoffe in kleine Lipidvesikel (Nanemulsionen) deren Aufnahme im Verdauungstrakt signifikant gegenüber der sonstigen Verabreichung in Tablettenform oder als Öl in Gelatinekapseln (1,2,3). - Um im Magen-Darmtrakt gut aufgenommen zu werden sollten öl-lösliche Wirkstoffe wie z.B. Vitamin D3 und K2 in möglichst winziger wässeriger Darreichungsform vorliegen. Dies wird durch die Verkapselung in die essbaren SopharTops erreicht (4). - Vitamin D3 ist wichtig für die Verarbeitung von Calcium in die Knochen und Zähne. Herstellungsland:Deutschland
Capsule de Colostru - Capsule și tablete

Capsule de Colostru - Capsule și tablete

Colostrum, also known as pre-milk, is the very first milk given by mammals to newborns to give them the optimal nourishment in the first few days. Colostrum contents lots of biologically active molecules such as immunoglobulin G (IgG). The colostrum used in our capsules is exclusively obtained from controlled stocks of cows within the first 24 hours of giving birth of calves. A cow produces normally more colostrum than the calf needs. Only the surplus may be used for the production of Colostrum Capsules. Each capsule contains 400mg Colostrum Colostrum with at least 18% immunoglobulin G (IgG). Art. No.:819
Capsule Mono de Coenzima Q10 50 mg - Capsule și tablete

Capsule Mono de Coenzima Q10 50 mg - Capsule și tablete

With 50 mg natural coenzyme Q10 per capsule. Coenzym Q10 Enzymes are key biological catalysts which allow reactions and life processes to take place in the cells in all living organisms. Enzymes require so-called coenzymes - wherein the coenzyme Q10 plays a particularly important role. Coenzyme Q10 is one of the body's own substances belonging to the group of vitaminoids. It contains substances similar to vitamins and is an important part of our daily nutrition. Q10 is primarily found in the organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. The necessary amount of Q10 is ensured with self-synthesis in a healthy human organism. The content of Q10 in the serum and tissues naturally decreases with age or when taking statins. Best Q10 quality In our products we only use pure, 100% natural Q10 of the highest quality (KANEKA), produced through yeast fermentation; it is absolutely identical to the Q10 produced in the body. Art. No.:1818